How do I "System - On Start OF XXXX LAYOUT "

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  • Hello friends

    I have a question ...

    I have a game and consists of 6 stages

    The 6 stages occupy the same Event Sheet.

    As I do that when you start stage 5 I perform the action I want.

    For example I do like this

    "System - On Start OF XXXX LAYOUT", select the layout by name.



    Hola amigos

    Tengo una duda…

    Tengo un juego y consta de 6 etapas

    Las 6 etapas ocupan la misma Event Sheet.

    Como lo hago para que al iniciar la etapa 5 me ejecute la acción que quiero.

    Por ejemplo hago como esto

    “System – On Start OF XXXX LAYOUT” , seleccionar el layout por el nombre.


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  • do this... =)

    look at the picture below.

    just susbtitute the name "layout6" with your layout's name

    haz esto... =)

    solo substituye el numbre del "layout6" por el tuyo

    mira la imagen de abajo.

    i think this should work

    if you dont find the layout name condition, im using the "compare two valuables" condition, and you compare it to the system expression "layout name" and set it to is = remember that to compare it with a string (letters) you need to add "" commas.

  • It works perfect

    Thank you Lunatrap

  • It works perfect

    Thank you Lunatrap

    im glad it worked

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