Hi all, I start to make a platform in 2d for a mobile.
I have a question about the layout and the performance... I make a tilemaps for all platform and solid, and for loading a level I will use the JSON file (easy way and best performance)
but the problem is for the "static" objects, I mean, for example the object like the coins on the map, obstacle etc... they are a sprite.
now my question is this, if I need to make 30 level, make 30 layout just for the position of the object and some variable of instance will be not very good for my opinion, so that, is possible to save the position in JSON in easy way?
I can make a event to make spawn some object, and after load the position or the variable for every object... I can make a static event like (spawn object --> set position) and for every level I will insert a lot of event...
another question, if I make 30 layout with different even sheets, (5 are load in every layout, and some event will load just in specific layout) how the phone will load everything?
thank you very much