How do I publish scores to facebook leaderboared ?

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Publish and Subscribe to events in event sheets and from the scripting interface
  • Hi,

    I'm trying to submit my game's score to facebook leaderboard using "Publish Score" action. But it doesn't work. "Log In" and "Prompt to Share this App" actions work fine. What should I do ? Do I have to submit the app for review in order to get this working ?

  • Your app is public in Facebook? Do you have inserted the App ID and App Secret keys in Facebook Plugin's properties?

  • Your app is public in Facebook? Do you have inserted the App ID and App Secret keys in Facebook Plugin's properties?

    Yes, my app is set to public and I have added App ID and Secret Key to Facebook plugin properties. I log in with Publish Scores permission as well. But it still doesn't work.

  • Can you send the .capx for an better explanation? Use anythinglikethis| to send your links while you have 499- reputation.

  • Can you send the .capx for an better explanation? Use anythinglikethis| to send your links while you have 499- reputation.

    Here's how I log in to Facebook.

    Here's how I publish the score


  • Why the "[Facebook] Publish score 100" is striked? This is an deactived action.

    And this event: you can turn into one usign "OR" block. Use and abuse of left click in events <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing">

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  • Why the "[Facebook] Publish score 100" is striked? This is an deactived action.

    And this event: you can turn into one usign "OR" block. Use and abuse of left click in events <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing">

    "Publish Score 100" action is on the top of the eventsheet as well. And that line is activated. I'm still getting used to Construct 2 actually. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

  • Isn't necessary use an event sheet exclusive for doing points in each level, if you can use one sheet for all common in-game. Too, you have dupliced events. Think in organizing your game, and you'll can find the solution.

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