How do I make a proper Y(Z)-sorting?

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  • Greetings!

    Despite the fact i'm quite old C2 user, i still have a problem with Y-sorting and i'm really successfully procrastinate this problem.

    The game looks like a field of hexagons (each one is some terrain) of two principally different types: forest and not forest.

    Forest-type tiles have Z-order like this:

    Not-forest-type tiles have Z-order like this:

    Myobjective is is to create a function (or any other solution) to avoid graphical issues like this:

    At the moment i have a checkout on player figure hits the target tile, but it have issues that are not funny anymore.

    I will be very glad to see any suggestions and ideas, everyone is welcome.

    P.S. Game board is made with Rex's rex_board plugin.

  • My suggestions are:

    1. For the little bushes, use a separated layer which is below the characters.

    2. For forest and character sorting, group them as a family and use <For each (ordered)> and set expression to Family.Y + ascending, in the event set family object to top of layer.

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  • Rex has a Y-Z sorting plugin that just grabs everything on the layer. I dunno if it's more efficient than the FamilySort, but I hope so if you have lots of sprites.

  • My suggestions are:

    1. For the little bushes, use a separated layer which is below the characters.

    2. For forest and character sorting, group them as a family and use <For each (ordered)> and set expression to Family.Y + ascending, in the event set family object to top of layer.

    That's what i've tied already. Idea for bushes - done, thanks a lot, i really needed a fresh look.

    Rex has a Y-Z sorting plugin that just grabs everything on the layer. I dunno if it's more efficient than the FamilySort, but I hope so if you have lots of sprites.

    Wow, haven't seen it. Seems like this plugin does the same action jomo proposed, but i'll try. Thanks a lot. I'll post the result here.

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