I want to make a infinity runner, and i want to make it so if i hold the screen the player will jump higher. I tried sustain jump, but it only works when the default controls are enabled, for my game i need them off. Any ideas?
work for me with disabling default controls.. look at this .capx, on the platform behavior settings.
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwNG7 ... 0JZc2tQWFU
Yeah, it works. Just use "Key is down" condition (not "On key pressed") with Simulate Platform pressing Jump.
i think he want "touch controls" not keyboard
Oh, then use "Is in touch" or "Is touching".
Not "On touch start" or "On touched object", as these events are triggered only once. And for the jump to be sustained, Simulate Jump needs to be called every tick.
Simulate Jump needs to be called every tick.
Why? On my .capx work without
I tried that already, but ill give it another shot
I got it to work. Thanks
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solved? so I can delete .capx from my googleDrive space?
> Simulate Jump needs to be called every tick. > Why? On my .capx work without
> Simulate Jump needs to be called every tick.
You have "Is in touch" condition. The system checks it on every tick and if true, "Platform simulate Jump" is executed.