TL;DR: When using the default platformer functions, falling before jumping breaks double jumping. How can I fix this? Also, is triple jumping possible?
Title probably doesn't explain very well, but I'm trying to figure out how when using the built-in platformer functions I can control when jumping & double jumping is triggered. I want to be able to be able to set when additional jumps can be done. Currently double jumping seems broken.
For example, if you do the following:
Launch the Platformer Template > Click the player > Enable "double jumping" under Behaviors
You'll notice some things:
- Jumping from solid ground allows you to double jump
- Without jumping, if you fall off an object you can jump but you can't double jump.
This could simply be that by default falling either counts as a jump, or disables double jumping. Though if you set "If player is falling > Double jump enabled" this doesn't allow you to double jump after falling. So it seems like falling off a ledge is registered as your first of two jumps?
I can't find anywhere where these triggers/variables are set, or how to control them.