You could position the boxes with events in an automated way so that you don't have to manually position them to eliminate corners to snag on.
Add a Sprite that you use to place dots along the floor. The events would the create a box between each dot.
You need to add a family called otherdot which contains dot. This is so we can pick two.
The box Sprite needs to have it's origin at the top left.
Finally the dots need to be created left to right. You could sort them by X or by some other means but that would make the events more complex.
Paraphrased the events loop over the dots and if it's not the last dot it stretchs a new box to the next dot.
Start of layout
For each dot
Compare: loopindex<dot.count-1
Pick otherdot instance loopindex+1
--- create box at dot.x, dot.y
--- box: set angle towards otherdot.x, otherdot.y
--- box: set width to distance(self.x,self.y,otherdot.x,otherdot.y)