bah, from the Ouya site.
"I love CocoonJS, and everything works fine atm, I just want to tell you about a thought that occured to me today:
Ouya. If you don't know about it yet, it's an android game console. It would just be wonderful if we could get controller input events in cocoonjs. Will this maybe happen or doesn't it fit your philosophy or something?
Dev kit comes in december I think...
Sorry about English mistakes, corrections appreciated. ;D
Leo, We are not integrating controller SDKs/APIs at the moment. Thank you!
Ludei August 29 Developer support"
I feel Cocoonjs can work on the Ouya store, but I'm not sure how capable any C2 games will be without appropriate ouya sdk. We could be fortunate that the controllers will work(short of the touch). It may be that we will have to support Ouya in js ourselves... I honestly have no idea right now how it's going to happen