Hello guys can someone help ??
1. How can I make the object does not come from inside the red frame ?
2. How to change the layout and make the objects remain where they were ?
Can anyone give me any idea how to do this ?
1) Use clamp.
2) Make sure your object (the black square) is a Global object (you can set this on the Object type properties of the Sprite).
See the attached capx
you could this way
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About the object does not come out of the frame , very good , that's right , you are too good .
But on , turn the page and return the draggable box stay in place that was left , it did not work .
Can you help me with this?
Please explain properly I do not understand what do you wish? When you return to page where do you wish object to, to be? In same place as you left it or in middle?
in the same place
Ok this time I am with my grandchildren tomorrow I will sort it out for you no problem tc
Here you can do it like this
That's right , but it should happen in the two buttons the same. But when I do double click on page 1 or page 2 , the square does not remain in place for longer than had been moved .
Very Good
Son I have helped much as I can. Now it's time you put your brain to work. Principal is more or less same. It's not that hard. Solution is right in front of you. If you look carefully you will find your answer. If you cannot then pm me ok
rony Sueliton , have you even tried my example..? It already does exactly what you ask for.
Here it should work fine in both layout