[NWjs] Run *.bat or cmd from path

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  • Hi community!

    First off: this question isnt part of a game - Im playing arround with C2. I want to extend a console-automation I wrote for my company with a GUI (since making a GUI in PowerShell is a pain in the a.... without tools from SAPIEN or others...).

    I tryed a whole lot in making NWjs to open a *.bat or command prompt window. I can't figure out how to do that.

    Something of what I tried so far:

    • NWjs | Run "C:\Temp\my_bat_file.bat" // nope
    • NWjs | Run "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" // nope
    • NWjs | Run "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe" // nope
    • NWjs | Run "cmd.exe" // nope
    • NWjs | Run "process.env.ComSpec + ' /c batfile.bat" // nope (whyever I thought that may works - found that while searching on Google - and yes, I pasted node.js code here... )

    Since launching a *.exe works fine just as it should, I downloaded a bat2exe complier and compiled my *.bat into an executable:

    • NWjs | Run "C:\Temp\my_bat_file.exe" // also: nope

    [everything else what I tried doesnt really made sense at all...]

    My batch just pings Google ( so far - nothing special. I do not need any kind of automation/value-returning - the user should just see the opened command prompt window with its contents shown before a "pause"- interaction.

    I thought about security reasons why it isnt possible - but writing a malicious script in VS/vbs and compiling it into a native executable is just as easy as in a simple batch script - so I dont think that someone restricted that because of security reasons (obviously I do not want to write malicious software nor harm any system - just to have it said at this point!).

    Does someone know a work-arround for simply opening a *.bat - or if not otherwise possible a compiled *.exe from a *.bat script?

    Have a great weekend


    Edit: even the fail-safe method: NWjs Open Dialog, choosing file, Run NWjs.ChosenPath - doesnt work... I think this has nothing to do with a wrong path or such...

  • I hope this will work for you (I've not tried it). NWjs spawning .bat and .cmd


    If you include the .bat file inside the package.nw (ie import it into c2) then use:

    require('child_process').exec('cmd /c batfile.bat', function(){
       // …your callback code may run here…
  • I hope this will work for you (I've not tried it). NWjs spawning .bat and .cmd


    If you include the .bat file inside the package.nw (ie import it into c2) then use:

    require('child_process').exec('cmd /c batfile.bat', function(){
       // …your callback code may run here…

    Thanks, Colludium!

    Already took a look at that Wiki entry - but I hoped to realize that without modifing anything.

    I could also use ajax to realize that, but the main problem is, that I do not want to add anything into the C2 project. When starting the script/app you are prompted for 2 *.csv files, one contains software (vendor,name,path-to-exe, etc.) and one contains a collection of batch-files. The reason why Im doing it that way: not every machine has the same software and/or "functions/features" installed - because of that, you ll have multiple "Softwareconfiguration.csv"s and "Functionconfiguration.csv"s. Plus: when a new software is added to the system, you only have to add a row in one of the *.csv file; same with the "function" configuration. Its aimed to be multiusable without even thouching the C2 projectfiles... (you may know the wise words: "lazy admin is best admin" ).

    So all in all I want to compile the C2 project a single time and want to be able to extend the functionality anytime just by editing *.csv files (and last but not least, editing a *.csv file is much more easier for my collegues instead of opening C2 and editing something in the project itself (and of course, I own the license by myself, not in/for the company ).

    But well, if there isnt an another way, I have to mod the plugin.

    Thanks, anyway!

    Have a great weekend!


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  • Try:

    NWjs | Run "start" for a CMD and

    NWjs | Run "start pathToBatFile" for a batch-file

    for example:

    NWjs | Run "start c:\mybat\batch.bat"

  • Try:

    NWjs | Run "start" for a CMD and

    NWjs | Run "start pathToBatFile" for a batch-file

    for example:

    NWjs | Run "start c:\mybat\batch.bat"

    You, sir, are a hero! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green">

    Thanks! Works totally fine.

    [quote:1xceka4q]Run file

    Run the file at an existing file path. This is analogous to double-clicking the file in the OS file explorer. For executable programs, it will attempt to run the program; for other file types, it will open the default associated program, such as the system default image editor if an image file is given.


    Would be worth mentioning there Ashley ;D

    Have a great weekend


  • Try:

    NWjs | Run "start" for a CMD and

    NWjs | Run "start pathToBatFile" for a batch-file

    for example:

    NWjs | Run "start c:\mybat\batch.bat"

    This worked for me too, except when there are spaces in the file path, "c:\first folder\second folder\...". Somewhere I read that we should use double quotes (run | "start" """c:\first folder\..."""), but I haven't been able to make it work.

    Any ideas?

  • Try

    NWjs | Run "start c:\""first folder\second folder""\batch.bat"

    or with a folder in between without space

    NWjs | Run "start c:\""first folder""\folder\""second folder""\batch.bat"

  • Is this dangerous? Or is nw.js the desktop publisher?

  • Is it possible to use a path from an edit box / variable? can't seem to get the run command to work with a folder value the user chooses, which gets stored in an edit box and written to an ini file.

  • Ah got it working... did """"&editboxname.text&""""" (four speech quotes either side)

  • Just opening this up as I am trying to do the same thing. I want to run a .bat file so that I can download updated files for my app.

    I can write a .bat file that does it job and downloads to the installed NWJS directory. But the moment I am asking C2 to run the bat file (Like above) it does not function as expected.

    I have to put START at the beginning of my .bat file but this then for some reason stops it using the --ouput-document to save to the installed folder.

    Anyone know any work arounds?

  • BUMP to see if any one can help?

    Currently my .bat file is:

    "wget.exe" "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1GfARdi3WQaCnxolZxL5Gnxamr" --output-document "%~dp0\packagetest.nw"

    This works when double clicking the file in explorer.

    When adding a command in C2 to run this:

    """" & NWjs.AppFolder & """" & "update.bat" & """" & """"

    It doesnt action it.

    Ashley is there something different by using NWJS to run a .bat file that is stopping this?


    I have got it working but only when the project is placed in a location with no spaces in the directory "C:\test" for example.

    My C2 command is currently:

    "start " & NWjs.AppFolder & "update.bat"

    I just have not been able to get the double quotation marks in the right place to get this working for all locations?

    Currently I have tried:

    "start " & """" & NWjs.AppFolder & """" & "update.bat"

    "start " & """" & NWjs.AppFolder & "update.bat" & """"

    """" & "start " & NWjs.AppFolder & "update.bat" & """"

  • Try setting that expression to a text object and make sure that it actually matches what works from a command prompt.

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