So I tried exporting to node webkit, the replace colors are not happening.
How can I make the "replace color" work in node webkit?
also, when I was exporting, it said it can't use "script minifier" ? I don't know what that is.
The replace color (like every effects by default in c2) needs webgl to work, maybe you computer doesn t have the requirement for webgl in node webkit (updating the graphic card driver may help)
The script minifier is a tool to make the exported script smaller and harder to read, it requires java to work.
So if I understood you correctly, even if I made the replace color to work on my computer, if I release my game (in exe format), the other people playing my game may not necessarily see the replace color work in their computers?
I tried searching and reading about webgl.
I can see the spinning cube.
The replace color works in preview in chrome browser but when I preview in node webkit, all webgl effects don't work?
That is weird, I don't knowwhy that happens then, sorry
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There are things with node-webkit turning webGL off if you graphic card is blacklisted - and it works only on win7 and above from what I remember.