Hi, I am currently trying to create multiple levels, and it is giving me some problems. Before, I get into what the problem is, let me tell what I have done till now:
1. Layout 1 has level 1, uses Event sheet 1.
2. Layout 2 has level 2, uses Event sheet 2.
3. Now, in Event Sheet 1, I have a Global Variable called levelSelect, whose initial value is 0.
4. In Event Sheet 1, On start of layout, if levelSelect = 0, go to layout Layout 1.
4. In the events, I have an event where: If Player: On Collision with: Door :: Add 1 to levelSelect
5. In Event Sheet 2, On start of layout, if levelSelect = 1, go to layout Layout 2.
Now here is the problem: When I launch the game, it auto loads level 2. And if I select Layout 1 and then launch, it launches level 1, but none of the keys for movement work, nor the music plays.
Where am I going wrong?