Moving a NPC around based on some results

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From the Asset Store
Fantasy RPG Human-NPC assets pack of 15 characters
  • Hi!

    Sorry to ask this, but I tried this for more than 10 hours and I cant make it work without bugs :(

    I am creating a game that gonna read some output file and based on that file it gonna make my chars/npcs/and so move around.

    For now, I just want to learn how to make my NPC goes to where I want, but I cant make it work correctly.

    What I mean is something like this:

    Sprite walk 100px to right (using walking animation), once it gets there make a attack animation, turns around and goes back to its start position.

    I tried bullet behavior, plataform, physics and so, nothing is working, I mean, I got it moving but at somepoing my animation bug.

    Is there any way to make a sprite do this?

    If you guys want, I can send you a example file to what I am trying.

    Thanks alot and sorry to ask that. I have been reading all this forum and tutorials and could not figure this out :(

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  • What about that:

    ? Press SPACEBAR to start Ai.

  • Hey Roal, thanks alot for send me that, but I cant open it yet cause I am using a free version. I hope today later on I get the rest of the money to get me a personal edition, just need few more sells :P

    Thank you very much already, I will check this as soon as I get my C2 to latest version and will be back to let you know!

    Thanks alot!

    EDIT: Ok, got it updated :)

    Mannnnnnn I guess this is it! I dont have free time right now but this afternoon I will be checking it and try to do the same thing just like I need.

    Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!

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