abdalghani , he meant microphone input, not audio playback.
I can't get microphone to work in Chrome, it keeps blocking access to it..
Have you tried starting new project and selecting "Microphone input" example? There is a sprite that's getting bigger/smaller depending on microphone volume. You can easily change it to sprite movement.
I have . In fact, when I saw that it was like an "Ah Ha!" moment, but for some reason I cant figure out why its not working. Instead of changing its size to "150 + Audio.AnalyserRMSLevel("mic", 0) * 2" I set it's X position to its current X position on the canvas + Audio.AnalyserRMSLevel("mic", 0) * 2... Now, this works kinda, but its when I want it to go the other way that I have problems. I'm trying to do a double door style thing where two items move in opposite directions with mic input and its just all over the place or doesn't work at all.