People do bump their topics, a little bumping is allowed if it doesn't get out of hand. And yes sub-events within loops are also looped. Sorry I'm late in responding myself, I hope you're not still having trouble but just in case you are I'll try to help.
Now, it is hard for me to give you a suggestion as to how exactly to create your sequence of actions because you haven't been specific about what you want your objects to do. But I'll try to give you an example for something I know you want to do, I hope it will make the event system slightly clearer to you.
Say you have an arm moving downwards and you want it to stop at a particular location that's constant for every arm. Create an event for arm with the condition "Arm - Compare Y > (some number)" with an action that sets the speed of the arm to 0. Every time the event sheet loops (which is roughly 60 times a second) the event will "pick" every arm that matches your condition (Y > some number) and set the arm's speed to 0. So even if you had 100 arms hurtling downward the event would only stop the ones that matched the condition (Y > some number). If you had *no* condition (that is used System - Every Tick) then your event would have no filter and thus would constantly stop ALL your arms.
Again I highly recommend reading the manual concerning how the event system and picking objects work here:
Looking at some of the examples that came with Construct and fiddling around with them will probably help you understand this better too.
If you have further questions please ask them!