In another topic I asked "How do I keep my sprites/code/etc" consistently working between layouts, and I did get an answer that helped me.
But this ended up actually breaking my game and causing all sorts of glitches due to the way I coded everything before hand.
on /restart layout/ and /reset global variables/, replaying the same level after the game was over (either on a victory or defeat) would create artifacts from the previous game, and I realized that global causes sprites to not be destroyed on layout change / restart I guess.
This is great for something like a platformer game, or I assume, 90% of every other situation.
But what I needed was basically, a way that I could "Create another layout" without having to copy and paste everything from the first layout.
It seems that, in order for my new layouts to work properly, unless I duplicate the first layout, things don't work 100% (assuming because there are things I move in and out of view of the player)
But I was wondering, does this mean that every new layout needs you to spawn every object you have ever made onto the sides, and then simply destroy them all upon start of layout to conserve memory?
tl;dr - do I have to copy paste every object every time I make a new layout to make sure things work - and is there a way I can just have one layout "read" the information that another layout contains so I don't have to load sprites and such?