I know this is a long shot, but I am having an issue with this plugin (or I am creating an issue with it): construct.net/en/forum/extending-construct-2/addons-29/plugin-seedrandom-53718
I'm using this plugin to freeze the seed in order to generate rooms without having to save them.
The system works by building a dungeon map in an array. The array stores a room seed value for each room. When the player moves rooms in the dungeon, the game is simply regenerating the layout based on the world seed value + the room seed value, which it sets via this plugin.
Most of the time, this works fine. But probably 3/10 times it generates the same room differently, despite having the same seed. My gut feeling is that this might be caused due to delays in the generator process. I have 2 functions in the process that use "Wait 0 seconds" to give the process a moment to finish up what it is doing, and my assumption is that if the device you are playing on hiccups or slows down during this, it generates a different room.
The problem is that I am having a lot of trouble rewriting that aspect of the generator, and I am also worried that I'm going to do all of this and find out that this isn't the case. What other variables commonly could be interfering with the seed generation to cause this?