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  • I want to make an infinite run game, when the players collision to object like animal then the game paused and open quiz page that can be clicked for possible answers. If the answers is correct the game continous. help me please

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  • There is a nice endless runner demo that comes with Construct2 examples. It's a good place to start.

  • There is a nice endless runner demo that comes with Construct2 examples. It's a good place to start.

    yes but how to make dfferent quiz page open when players collision to different object e.g animal.

  • Hi Astroboy,

    From looking at the infinite demo example, you could try adding the highlighted parts below in it as a start...

    However you setup your quiz response, I just put touch sprite to test in this case:


    Good luck!

  • oh sorry I thought I read infinite jumper not endless runner lol. my mistake!

  • Hi DevDan thanks for your input mate.

    Is that example can be apllied to endless runner game too?

  • Yeah same concept, that's what I'd start off with haven't done an auto-runner game yet though.

    I'd use the load/save game state to save your position on launching a quiz layout on collision and then loading on a correct answer. Probably didn't need that hitAnimal global variable. see capx attached.

    Have fun!


  • hmm unfortunately i can't open the capx im using the lastest stable

  • no prob i can open it now and its a great example, i dont wanna ask too much i wanna learn it first.

    thanks DevDan

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