I am trying to make my game have a save level on completion feature, and a level select title screen that you can only select beaten or unlocked levels, if you can help please and thanks, if you die in my game on level 8 you get sent all the way back to level 1, its horrible.
You should create global variables. So when i complete level 1 set glabal variable to 1. If i beat level 2 set global variable to 2. If global variable is set to 2 unlock level 3. You would have to come up with a system that unlocks a level though. I did it the cheap way. I had all my level numbers off screen and when you beat a level i told the number to spawn in the location of the lock sprite. When the number touched the lock sprite it would destroy it lol. I'm sure there's a smarter way of doing it though.
I use an array to store 1 at the location of the level number.
Then I check if level number - 1 in that array is = 1.
If yes, then I set the button to allow players into the next level.
As already said, store a value for each level and check that when showing/clicking the buttons, but I'd recommend using WebStorage so progress will be saved even when you exit the game.
WebStorage Manual
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I don't think he means when he reloads the game..
Whether or not he meant on reload, it's still worth knowing and now he has that option if he wants it.
i can show you how if this is what you think, i can`t do it without save and load button, after you close browser and click load your levels will be unlocked again. check it and write