Hello all,
I am still very new to C2 and have a question.
I have a layout representing a planet and for the player to leave this planet he needs a flying skill of 5. I have a global variable called "Flying"
In the layout is a flightschool button ("LearnToFlyButton") with the following event:
Mouse->On left button clicked LearnToFlyButton->
Followed by the following two actions:
System->Add 1 to Flying
FlyingText-> Set text to "Flying skill: " & Flying
And I have a Textbutton "Depart planet" ("DepartButton") with the following (incomplete) event:
Mouse->on left button clicked DepartButton ->System-> go to Galaxy Layout***
*** Now the player should only be able to depart the planet once his flying skills reach 5 and only then "Go to Galaxy Layout" action should happen. But I'm lost at the monent...
1) What does my Event sheet need to make this happen? What I would like is that, when clicking on the 'Depart Planet" button and the player's flying skills are LESS than 5, it should give like an error-message aswell.
2) I would like to add triggers that set off when the player reaches e.g. flying skill 50, 100, 200 enabling him to do new things due to increasing experience. What do I need for this?
Thanks you very much for your time and help, Regards from the Netherlands.