I don't think there exist such place, at least not what I know of.
But I would say that if you have done all the tutorials that comes with C2 you should have a fairly good understanding of how to do things.
When I started I just did the first one tutorial, to just get a hang of how to navigate the program, and the rest was pretty much trial and a lot of error, and a good community always willing to help, even with very simple questions. Think that's a big help for anyone new, that they don't feel stupid for asking such questions.
So if I were you, then I would just choose something that I thought could be fun trying to make, something very simple, and then see if there are a tutorial that uses something that might be useful for that, and then just try to make as much of the game as possible, or start a new project when you notice that you screwed something up big time. And then make use of what you just learned, and maybe add something new that you think could be fun. Then you just keep doing that until some point where you have a very good understanding of how to do the different things.