you need to keep checking the score, then check to see if you already increased the health for that range. I'd make 2 variables. "PlayerLevel" that tells you which range you are in: (score / 100) then you need to round down. i.e. 950 / 100 is 9.5 then round down to 9 and you are at level 9. The other variable is the current enemy's level "EnemyLevel". Compare this to the player's level and if they aren't equal, then you know your score went to the next range. Remember levels are base zero.
initialize PlayerLevel set to 0
initialize EnemyLevel set to 0
game loop
//get the player's current level from the score
set value PlayerLevel to Round down (Score / 100)
//check to see if it's beyond the last time you increased the enemy's health
if PlayerLevel > EnemyLevel
add 10 to
add 1 to EnemyLevel
this assumes you can't lose points off your score...