Hi, it's my first time creating a Windows 8 game, but I have some issues, at least Visual Studio is advising me about them. The game indeed opens correctly, but I get these errors and messages in the console:
HTML1701: Dynamic content can't be added '<select msallowclip=''><option selected=''></option></select>'.
It is a bit larger, but the error appears in spanish. I suppose that's because my Microsoft account it's in spanish? Anyway I'll try to translate them, or at least the most important parts of the messages.
It also tells me this:
WEBGL11135: getContext: the context attribute depth:false isn't compatible currently File: c2runtime.js, Line: 3371, Column: 5
Also if I try to resize the game, I get this warning:
The method Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationView.get_Value has been deprecated. Value may be altered or unavailable for releases after Windows 8.1. Instead, query for window layout sizes directly.
I'm using Windows 8.1, and I exported the game as an universal app. I'm using the PubCenter plugin as well.
Also, how can I show an image or text when the player has resized the game? I saw some apps on which if you resize the game, it shows an splash screen with a logo or a message telling you to play in full-screen, instead of showing the resized game.
I appreciate your help; I always have issues when I start working with a new technology, but anyway, Visual Studio is fun to use so far