I've been playing with your table and I see the benefit. One problem unique to me: since my entire game/layout is just a table with a few buttons, that table will look fairly boring and beyond boring, I will need to segregate/isolate groups of textboxes within the table, to appear as a uniform row or a column by applying uniform background colors. Kind of like when in a print table, every other row or column is 20% grey, for example, to make it easier to read against the white, except mine must be more complex than "every other/20%," mostly for ease of use but also for visual appeal.
When I apply css to your table, that css is applied to the entire table. Bummer.
I understand why and as a workaround I went back to just positioning/stacking individual textboxes and applying css to them individually. That can still work but it was only then that I began to recognize the elegance of using your table.
Is there a way to for me to format the textboxes of your table individually? I'd be willing to dig into JavaScript if it wasn't extremely complex and I could know it would get me what I need.
As always,
Thank you