How do I - Families, containers and pathfinding

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A collection of various zombie characters sprites for creating a 2D platformer or sidescroller game
  • Hello everyone.

    So I am rather new to construct 2 and as a school project me and my classmates are making a hotline miami-styled game in celtic feeling. We wanted a bit of a stealth element and the possibility to sneak around and have detection.

    The issue is this. I used a "Hearing" sprite (Essentially just a growing circle) for checking if its overlapping the player and if it is the enemy who the hearing sprite belongs to would go and check it out, starting to look around to see if they can find the player.

    The problem that I found out is that Containers and families does not play nice and it causes all enemies in the family to react as if the hearing sprite was their own.

    I am rather convinced that it is caused by that families essentially count all sprites in it as one for the purpose of events.

    So my question is this; Is it possible to fix this in any way? Shall I use something other than families for hearing and sight or can it be fixed in some other way?

    If someone could be so kind look it over I would really appreciate it.

  • Terribly sorry, I can not apparently post URLs codes for the dropbox of the Capx file.

    I can send it any other way if people want me to.

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  • Just add some extra spaces in the URL to trick the URL check.

  • you can pin hearing object to the sprite of your player, then use it. also make sure it's on same layer, and collisions enabled.

  • you can pin hearing object to the sprite of your player, then use it. also make sure it's on same layer, and collisions enabled.

    Thanks! That actually solved a lot of problems.

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