exported NW.js build gives red loading bar

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Progress\Loading Bar. Now Load you game like a Professional.
  • 1st try:

    export gives PNGOUT.exe stopped working error. build completes. try to open windows 32 and 64 builds. both give red loading bar.

    2nd try:

    turn off png recompression. no more errors. build completes. try to open windows 32 and 64 builds. both give red loading bar.

    3rd try:

    turn off minify script. still no errors. try to open windows 32 and 64 builds. both give red loading bar.

    4th try:

    delete only 3rd party plugin from project (csv2array). still no errors. try to open windows 32 and 64 builds. both give red loading bar.

    5th try:

    open platform template. export. build works.


    project details:

    my exported project is still very small. win32 and win64 folders are roughly the same size as of the template-platformer (67mb for win32 and 83mb for win64)

    7 layouts

    17 eventsheets

    ~90 objects (in object type folders)

    ~20 images (biggest image is 112x128)

    3 families

    0 sounds

    0 music

    1 .json file

    game runs with no problems on preview (both chrome and NW.js. althought the NW.js preview has some NASTY Vsync)

    construct 206

    downloaded NW.js today (latest version)


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  • Same problem

    its the first time i have this bug

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