Thanks a lot for the solutions! It will be quite easy to put in place.
EDIT : not so easy actually, as each instance variable of my characters are implemented as object instance variable, not family instance variable. The problem now is that I can select the correct character using the "character" family, but how can I impact the health of the selected object instead of the health of the family member selected? (the Family has no "health instance variable, only objects).
I tried to delete the object instance variable and recreate it in the family, but deleting it would delete all actions and conditions, and thus not be possible. Is there any solution? Rewriting my code and put all health and other object instance variables to family instance variable is not an option at this stage.
Now I also would like to create another effect in the same vein, but this time, instead of picking an instance at random, I would like to select the alive character which has the lowest health.
I could start the same way by selecting the characters who have their "alive" value to 1, but then I don't see how I can compare the values of their current healths in order to pick the lowest one. Is there a way to do so efficiently?
I thought I would be able to do so with "pick by evaluate", but it seems like it could only compare different values between them, not picking the instance which has the lowest value of one family instance variable.
Another way would be to not use families, but the way I described in the first post and do :
min(,,, but only taking into account the values which are higher than 0 (otherwise it means the character is dead).
Any idea how I could do one of these?