I'm trying to create a custom particle system to leave trails behind objects. Think of it like drawing on screen. Where ever you move your mouse, a particle trail is left behind, which looks like a drawn line.
Here's the problem...
If you move too quickly, you get a dotted line, instead of a solid line. Lower frame rates also create a dotted line. It's completely frame rate dependant. Nothing happens between frames.
I need a way to create particles in their proper locations, in between screen renders. (Bypass the frame rate.)
Pretend my frame rate is 1. If I move my mouse across the screen, I need the engine to keep track of where each particle should have been created, and show the proper result at the end of one second. A line, no matter what frame rate or mouse speed.
(Currently, all I would see is a dot where I started, and a dot where the mouse stopped.)
**Note: Increasing particle flow rate has no effect. Nothing happens between frames.