distance(enemy.x,enemy.y,player.x,player.y) < 200
enemy >rotate angle towards pos player.x,player.y - speed 10
subcondition every 1.2 seconds - create bullet at imagepoint 0 /set angle movement enemy.angle
event condition separated for bullet or you can add it in action above on every 1.2 seconds when bullet is created automatically gets the angle.
bullet on created set angle movement enemy.angle
bullet actor must have bullet behavior on it.
you can add a event for bullet getting destroyed
bullet traveled > 500 px
bullet on collission with player - action destroy.
and a event for player life substraction you will need a localvariable or a number set on the player.
player on collision with bullet substract "your value" from life
thats the simple code. you will need to adapt that to C2 event system. but its mostly what the event language looks like.