Hi, my name is Guillermo (Gomezzara) and i'm trying to find out how to create a simple "pong" game and i have alot of issues and doubts about finish and creating a "complete" game.
Here you can test it: http://avengedhope.com/zara/games/test
My doubts are with the Artificial intelligence (I.A), i don't know how to create it... (or how to create a diferent levels of dificulty). Also, with the creation of a pause menu; i'm trying to use the Set Time Scale, (Press "e", the game pauses, but i can't make that you can use a simple menu because all functions are "frozen").
Also, i'm trying to find out how to create the point systems; i make this system:
<img src="http://vvcap.net/db/6D5Wj_MjU1YOewmtljOk.png" border="0">
The idea, is when the ball pass a point that i define like this way:
<img src="http://vvcap.net/db/-Odn5CzHPWpkngP9TGFq.png" border="0">
I use a Array function to store the points?
I'm sorry for my english!
But i hope you can help me!!
Greetings from Chile!