Hi guys
I have a problem, or more like dilemma, about detecting units in elipse range. Here is what i mean:
<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19082408/123.JPG" border="0" />
So, as i see it, there are 2 approaches about this:
- First approach is to make a collision surface, detecting foes on collision. That have many advantages, but one main downside - the 8 pointed collision polygon is not enough to make a decent looking detection. When trying to add more points (16 would be enough as i see it)it sais all collision polygons over 8 points are very havy.
So there is my question: How exactly expensive is to have polygons with more then 8 point? (is having 16 point polygon twice as heavy as to have 8 point poly, or there is another cunning reason we shouldnt make more then 8 points?)
If there is such reasons i can make it works by setting the sprite with 2 frames, both to have slightly different 8 pointed collision polys. So i figure if i play the animation fast it will detect foes for both the yellow and the blue collision polys.
<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19082408/456.JPG" border="0" />
- Second approach is to make it by detecting distances. But the problem is, because of the camera angle, i want it to be an ellipse, not a circle. Im not sure if that is possible to make with the -Get Distance To-. The only way to achieve this, as i see it, is to have a hidden layer with all the foes and rally points, and keep it scaled so it becomes like top view (not even sure its possible).
Anyways, if anyone have any thoughts or advices for me, and most of all answer of my 8 pointed collision poly question, pls dont hesitate to write.
Thanks for baring with me and my problems ;)