Hi. I've been working on something very similar (a character that I can talk to), and I think I can help.
Try this:
(Global Text variable): "YouSaid"
(System: On Start of Layout): UserMedia: Request speech recognition (language "en-US", Continuous mode, Interim restults)
(UserMedia: On speech recognition result): System (Set YouSaid to UserMedia.InterimTranscript)
(Sub Event) (System:YouSaid = hello): UserMedia: Speak text "Hi, there" (language "en-US", voice URI "", volume 1 dB, rate 1, pitch 1
This should work. Tip: the only web browser (at least that I know of) that supports the UserMedia object is Google Chrome, which is free. You can get it from: You will need to set it as your preview browser under "Configuration Settings", which is in "Project Properties".
You will also need a microphone that is either plugged into your computer (Like one with a USB cord) or one that is built into your computer (like some laptops).
I hope that helped!