I try to change frame of walls when they are corners , but pick objects in construct seems be a nightmare.
Anyone have idea how can i proceed ?
Are these sprites? I suggest using TileMap object.
not sure what you're trying to do, but perhaps the 9-patch object is something you might want to look into?
It is for a construction game , 9-patch isn't a solution . Player make walls with mouse and wall's frame automatically change.
I think you should use TileMap.
See this example, it's the same principle:
Actually i play with tilemap and it's the solution , lot's of logic is necessary but it's works :) Thank you for hints .
dropbox.com/s/r1em8npglbdsoeg/Tilemap_Bitwise.png awesome
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
It's ok , image.ibb.co/kmVfqJ/finish.png