R0J0hound I'm testing your paster plugin, can I generate deformations on the x or y axis in the image using your plugin? If so, do you have an example?
What kinds of deformation are you looking for?
If you are only looking for visual effects, an effect might be more useful here.
As I said before are deformations of the x and y axis of a sprite.
I don't really understand what you mean?
Do you want to shrink and expand the Sprite on the X and Y axis?
How would you define "deformations"?
An example would be helpful.
He wants an example of Paster's ability to change a quads vertice.
There should be an example in the plugs thread.
That's also where these kinds of questions are best asked.
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Here's the example on how to draw an distorted quad with the paster object: