It might not be very noticeable, but I set it to change frame according to the y of the target.
If you want to shoot directly above you wouldn't use the los, you would compare the x, and y of the target.
Also the cone probably needs to be dialed in a bit.
Also, also
If you want it to shoot through solids, change the los to custom.
Okay, in testing, it seems the cone part is going to be a problem since I have to make it small enough so it apparently works up-close, but then it's wide and you end up hitting them when your at a distance and quite high above them. Is there any way of doing this so the LOS acts like a beam rather than a cone? Basically, a beam the height of the player or a bit smaller that only hits when you're parallel to them Y-wise, and it's the same for any height? I'd use an invisible bullet, but I think that would cause problems with the instantaneous response I need. Maybe a custom LOS?