Arlys, I ran your game on Chrome and IE11, they work great on both.
I think you meant "Cross Browser" support in your question. As the games are on HTML5, they will be supported on all modern browsers. You dont have to do anything. There will be slight changes based on the browser 's implementation of HTML5 rendering. Not all browsers support HTML5 the same way. This is not a game or engine flaw. Just to be safe, make sure that you use a stable C2 version for final level deployment, so any C2 bug doesn't creep in.
Good luck with your game and reach out to the community anytime for help.
Thanks Abhishan, I guess that IE10 is worse than IE11 in its html5 support, and probably the safary for windows is not a good option to text HTML5 games... For your words i guess that there are no tools to do cross browsing on c2, but if i do the things "well done" the game will work properly in all the modern browsers! So probably is something about my FF configuation (like newt said) and some dirty expresion on my event sheet.... I will check for all these
Thanks again for you help!