I want to have a countdown at the begining of my racing game (like a 3,2,1) and the cars set off. I just cant figure out how to do that. Any suggestions?
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Try this capx or you can make the sprites inside a deactivate group and when the timer = 0 Activate the group.
How do i use these files? im sorry but i have only started using construct this week.
Double click on the file after you download it.
You need the last release to open these files.
i have 168 on my laptop and the school computers have 173. if i update the version on my laptop will i still be able to edit my game?
learner26 yop,you right,to open that files you need a newest C2 app.
A0Nasser very little code but it keeps waiting for 1.0 seconds forever.
Just for fun I thought I'd have a go.