1 If you have already created different maps in different layouts than just open from the menu or start screen (layout) to the layout you want the player to go ...
2 In case you have created your maps in the same layout just set the layer in that layout and set the location of the character in the map you want to ( bu changing its coordinates x,y) .
3 In the case you generate randomized maps than all you need , is to go to the layout where you create your generated/randomized maps .
Yeah I could make like 20 different maps (dungeons) kinda but lets say a player plays it 200 times, then all maps will probably be played so he/she knows them, so if you could randomize different parts so would that be good, is it possible?
Like you take 1 room here, 1 room there and tuck them together, they will all have the same kinda structure,