What I want to do is simple, but I can't figure out how to do it.
In this game, you have to select the right shapes to pass, but I only figure out to do it, in a certain order (for the moment : ABCD), what I want, is that you can validate with the right shapes, but with no specific order!
For example, I have 4 shapes, A, B, C and D, I want it to be in any order you select, ABCD, CDAB, DABC... no order needed, just the right shapes to validate.
it's been about two weeks now, that i'm stucked with this.
Thank you.
Here is the Capx : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hg5oc0d2casqwje83u8mn/Geometric_project_v2.capx?rlkey=bvfjrfvr2mo7pw6sgh8bh5goe&dl=0