.CAPX: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/36080515/Export%20(1)/Foxtrot-89%20v%201-1.capx
With the use of the mouse object, I'm using angle(F89.X, F89.Y-30, Reticule.X, Reticule.Y) and it's always-updating angle in order to set the proper animation for the gun-toting Foxtrot-89 character.
There are 8 facing directions (360* / 8 directions = 45*).
I discovered that when testing for angle ranges (ie: 22.5* to 67.5*), that any angle above F89 is counted as a negative value. So it ranges from 0 to 180 or 0 to -180.
Every angle test works (animations are updated correctly) EXCEPT for the transition from the top-left (-112.5* to -157.5*) to neutral-left (-157.5* to -180*).
In my capx file, at event lines 19 and 20, you'll see I had to use the two lines to test for the full 45* because of the horizontal divide from the negative to positive value angles. Once I move the angle to 157.5* to 180* (positive values, or down-left facing), the proper animation (neutral-left) goes into effect, but it's not taking into account the full 45* range. When transitioning from an up or down right-facing angle to facing neutral-right, there's no problem. ONLY when moving from up-left to neutral-left.
Can someone help me see what I am missing, please? Thanks!