How do I make a burst shooting

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Shoot balls to destroy as many blocks as possible, at each stage the game will become more difficult.
  • I want to make burst shooting.

    For example, if I click on mouse's left button 1 time, there will be created a 3 bullet.

    How can I do it?

  • Hallo NeronSparda,

    you can use the 'Repeat' Condition to create more bullets with one click. But when all bullets have the exact same direction, they overlap each other and it looks like one bullet. If you want to shoot multiple bullets one after another with a short delay, you can make it like this:

    + Mouse: On Left button Clicked
    ----+ System: Repeat 5 times
    -----> System: Wait LoopIndex ÷ 10 seconds
    -----> player: Spawn bullet on layer 0 (image point 1)
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  • Hallo NeronSparda,

    you can use the 'Repeat' Condition to create more bullets with one click. But when all bullets have the exact same direction, they overlap each other and it looks like one bullet. If you want to shoot multiple bullets one after another with a short delay, you can make it like this:

    > + Mouse: On Left button Clicked
    ----+ System: Repeat 5 times
    -----> System: Wait LoopIndex ÷ 10 seconds
    -----> player: Spawn bullet on layer 0 (image point 1)

    Thanks, It works!

    I've tried to make it without "loopindex" and it didn't work.

    But now - all is great! Thank you very much!

  • I usually prefer using a timer for the gun/player object. It's better to config and evolve (if want to evolve the weapon and make the burst longer or faster).

    Here's an example I made using the Ghost Shooter template. ... .capx?dl=1

    Use asdw or the arrows to move, mouse to aim, shoot with left click and burst with right click.

    Hope this helps. Cheers!

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