> You could just use whatever variable/check you have for if the upgrade is bought and then set the destroy-distance based on that. Pseudo code
> Condition: DistanceUpgrade = 0
> Action: Destroy bullet after distance traveled = 200
> Condition: DistanceUpgrade = 1
> Action: Destroy bullet after distance traveled = 300
> Also, for the button? use the same variable/check for it. Set the "DistanceUpgrade" variable or however you named it to 1 after clicking the button (assuming the player meets the currency requirements?) and then set it's frame/animation to a greyed-out version or whatever and prevent interaction/clicking by checking if the frame/animation isn't the original-state upon opening the shop (i.e, it was already bought and so set to "ItemBought" animation/frame)
i dont know why... not working... it is soooo strange... if bullet is =200 not be destroyed.. but with greather or = 200 bullet destroyed... why???
maibe too much action?? cause i set bullet destroy on tile on wall out of layout on enemy..
and the same happen whit speed bullet...
whit speed player working...
maibe i change behavior on my bullet??? platform instead bullet??