How do I make bouncing of solids for platform behaviour

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Bouncing ball
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Template for a bouncing ball game, fully documented in comments and video
  • Hi there, I'm trying to make my "player" sprite with platform behaviour, to bounce of the objects with solid behaviour when it collide it from left/right or bottom, and the other sprites "enemies" with platform behaviour also. But I have no idea how to implement it. I've attached my scetch in .CAPX

  • When they collide you can simulate jump and set the angle of the jump which looks like a bounce.

    On Player collison with Object: Simulate player Jump, Set angle whatever.

  • When they collide you can simulate jump and set the angle of the jump which looks like a bounce.

    On Player collison with Object: Simulate player Jump, Set angle whatever.

    Thanks it's really helps, I've implemented such relationships with solids, but how to bounce of other sprites with platform behaviour?

  • > When they collide you can simulate jump and set the angle of the jump which looks like a bounce.

    > On Player collison with Object: Simulate player Jump, Set angle whatever.


    Thanks it's really helps, I've implemented such relationships with solids, but how to bounce of other sprites with platform behaviour?

    Same way- they will still register a collision. You may want to make both platform objects jump if they are moveable objects.

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  • >

    > > When they collide you can simulate jump and set the angle of the jump which looks like a bounce.

    > > On Player collison with Object: Simulate player Jump, Set angle whatever.

    > >


    > Thanks it's really helps, I've implemented such relationships with solids, but how to bounce of other sprites with platform behaviour?


    Same way- they will still register a collision. You may want to make both platform objects jump if they are moveable objects.

    But objects with platform behaviour can jump only on solid floors isn't it? Anyway sprites with platform behaviour doesn't jump of each other...

  • Same way- they will still register a collision. You may want to make both platform objects jump if they are moveable objects.

    But objects with platform behaviour can jump only on solid floors isn't it? Anyway sprites with platform behaviour doesn't jump of each other...

    You can if they have the solid behavior but how are you using more than one platformer object in your game?

    If you have more than one platformer they will all respond to movement controls?

    Your questions asked how to bounce solids. Solids are not a platformer with movement behaviors but platformers can also be solids.

    So I would have to see your capx to see what you are doing?

  • You can if they have the solid behavior but how are you using more than one platformer object in your game?

    If you have more than one platformer they will all respond to movement controls?

    Your questions asked how to bounce solids. Solids are not a platformer with movement behaviors but platformers can also be solids.

    So I would have to see your capx to see what you are doing?

    yes, I've attached capx with starter message, but I'll repeat it here:

    So, I have 1 platformer object as a player with non default controls, and another platformer object as enemy that is controlled by events.

  • >

    > You can if they have the solid behavior but how are you using more than one platformer object in your game?

    > If you have more than one platformer they will all respond to movement controls?

    > Your questions asked how to bounce solids. Solids are not a platformer with movement behaviors but platformers can also be solids.

    > So I would have to see your capx to see what you are doing?


    yes, I've attached capx with starter message, but I'll repeat it here:

    So, I have 1 platformer object as a player with non default controls, and another platformer object as enemy that is controlled by events.

    Make the enemy also have the solid behavior and you can jump off or bounce off them.

  • Make the enemy also have the solid behavior and you can jump off or bounce off them.

    Thanks mate, it works like a charm now!

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