Hello World,
So I'm working at the menu and I have 2 ways to design it from what I can figure, but I'm not sure which is the best way to go. Can you guys please give me the pros and cons of each?
Option 1:
The game loads and the first menu layout appears. It has some buttons let's say "start game", "options", "credits", "quit" etc. If you press start game you are taken to a new layout that has other buttons(level 1, level 2, back, etc.) you get the idea, almost each button you press takes you to another layout that has it's own buttons and you just keep going from layout to layout. All buttons, images, etc. are positioned by me in advance.
Option 2:
Only 1 layout for the menu, all buttons, images, etc. are placed somewhere out of view from the begining and I just use create/delete events to draw the buttons when and where I need them. For example when the game loads I have event on start of layout create object "start game"(at pos x,y), create object "options", etc. If you press start game then I have event delete object "start game", delete object "options", etc. and event create object level 1, create level 2.... You get the idea, right?
I'm sure the are better ways to design your game and I'll proly learn them in time, for now I'd appreciate it if you just help me choose between these 2 guys as there already is a lot of info swirling around inside my head and too much more would just confuse me. And I hate being confused.
If I didn't explain things well enough please let me know and I'll try to be clearer.
Thank you all very much.