I have no idea what ya mean
I'll explain a little more. I have a ships spawning every 2 seconds. I have EnemyPath1, EnemyPath2, EnemyPath3.
I get a random bumber between 0-3.
If number>=0&&number<1 then AleinFighter(Sprite) find path to EnemyPath1
Same with other two paths..
So I have like 15 paths objects..One path instance has UID's, if i could use them with just one object that would be neater
I kind of understand what you are saying about, but I can only see this singular object all over the map been selected individually with the UID, as each instance creates a UID
I'm also using when Fighter Pilot collides with EnemyPath4 he will find path to another EnemyPath depending on a random number, this could be EnemyPath5 or EnemyPath7