I'm having some really annoying issues with arrays. Maybe I'm just not understanding how they work on a fundamental level.
I have an array like this one with some values filled in that pertain to characteristics of the the characters at the top. Things like age, gender, eye color etc. I set all this up at the start of the layout.
I want to be able to add NEW characters into the array but every time I try to do that the array gets really weird in the debug layout. For example if I try to insert another character named "Jim" on the x axis he'll be inserted at the front of the array no problem...but if I try to add the other values, gender and so on they'll be strewn throughout every corner of the array.
Everythings good.
And then I insert new values...
What the heck?
Also, by default an array has a 1 for depth, if I turn that to zero (because why the hell would I need zdepth in a 2d array, right?) this happens.
Can anyone clue me in on what exactly it is that I'm doing wrong here? What am I not understanding?
Thanks for any help.