I have made a player and I have an animation and it looks like this <img src="http://s1279.photobucket.com/user/theCatPimp/media/U24t423ntitled_zps8cba9699.pnglfilters%5buser%5d=136415970&filters%5brecent%5d=1&sort=1&o=0" border="0" />. But when I'm running the game he is making the animation all the time, so what I want to know is how you can move left and right and make him only do the animation when he walks and not all the time, so if I would put this in a more simple way, I want to make a charachter sprite that does the right animations when I'm pressing the right button, so if I press the right arrow button I want him to go to the right and the animation will begin, but I want this to happen to both left and right and up ( I want this to be a platformer )