thanks for your help.
I've tried several ways and I've noticed that on CocoonJS (on Launcher or with a compiled APK) if you call a Layout B from another Layout A and on Layout B you dinamically position elements, the ViewportTop, ViewportBottom, ViewportLeft, ViewportRight at layout start don't report the correct values.
If you put an element and associate to it a reposition of the elements to the 4 edges of the screen (the same procedure at the start of layout), you can see that the items are correctly positioned.
So the problem is at start of layout ONLY, after the screen has been painted, all works good.
I've tried with: Galaxy SII, Nexus 7, Kindle Fire HD.
I've tried using and not using anchors.
I've written at Ludei but I've don't received a reply (I think they are at Mobile World Congress right now).
I've solved painting items after 0.05 seconds (with Trigger Once function) and they are correctly painted on screen. I've beautified all using a fade effect.
Generally speaking, with CocoonJS on Android if you put something (i.e.) on the center of the screen, the item is not centered but aligned on the left. The same issue I've noticed with AppMobi (now Intel SDK). If I put the same item on the screen AFTER the layout has been loaded and displayed, the item IS CENTERED.
This is the sample capx I've used.
When I run it, I see:
<img src="http://i48.tinypic.com/34fh4sl.png" border="0" />
After I force the repositioning on the screen clicking the text, I see this:
<img src="http://i46.tinypic.com/ix8gwh.png" border="0" />
Here you can download the APK: bit.ly/XmgErZ
Here you can download the .capx: bit.ly/ZLsfoC