'Building a platform game' tutorial - updates

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From the Asset Store
Carousel Animation, make carousel of you image gallery or anything
  • Andyshole

    No bug - it's been exhaustively tested. Feel free to put your capx up to be checked.

  • Did someone complete the example with the remaining animations, sounds and enemies included in the resources package?

  • I have the stardard licence (thats the paid licence right?) but I must have deleted the email with the link to the sprites is there anyway I can be emailed the link again please? I wanted to work through the jungle platform game again :)

  • Quick update - Found the assets bundle in my purchase history so I am all sorted :)

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  • SlippyFox

    I believe, if you go to your Construct 2 Store you may download the assets.

    Go to Store > My purchases > Get Assets (on the right hand side) while signed in and thats how you may download them with your license.

    Hope this helps :)

  • Kyatric - This simple comment saved me a lot of stress and hassle in trying to find the Jungle Pack for the platform tutorial. LOL THANKS!

  • I purchased Construct 2 on Steam and I did not get an email with the link to download the platformer tutorial sprites... Please help. Thanks.

  • roveend3

    See my 08 Aug 2012 post in this thread.

  • Velojet, the link you provided only contains the space sprite pack. The pack I needed was the Jungle Sprites Pack, which is supposed to come with the purchase of Construct 2 personal via email, however because I bought C2 on Steam, I never received the email.

    I contacted support with an attached a copy of the paypal receipt and promptly received a download link to the correct pack.

  • roveend3

    Thanks for the update.

    Could you please post the link here, for future reference? Thanks!

  • I'm not sure if it would be appropriate to post the link here, since the assets only come with the paid version of construct 2, instead, here is a link to the support page which enabled me to get the assets


    click "Where can I download my assets? (Sprites, music, sounds etc)"

    Hope this helps.

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