Hey all,
I'm not really sure what to do here. :/
I recently created a few games for game jams, and I just found that one of them was taken from GameJolt (where I hosted the game) and uploaded to AtomicGamer.com (which I'd never heard of until minutes ago).
No one contacted me to request permission, or even to just tell me that they were doing it, and my game is now being hosted on AtomicGamer.com, with no attribution to me. No developer is listed, and no credit is given. I don't know why that information wasn't simply copied from my GameJolt page, since my entire game description was copied verbatim from the same page that lists me as the developer.
What concerns me even more is the considerable difference between how I released my game, and how AtomicGamer.com is hosting my game. I released my game for free, with no registration of any kind required to play it, and yet...
AtomicGamer.com is offering a download of my work, without crediting me, and placing the download of my game behind a queue timer on their server, and in the download popup, AtomicGamer informs you that you can bypass the queue timer, to download my game immediately, if you pay them money.
I don't want to assume there's any malicious intent here, it may just be a mistake on their part, and I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I haven't been releasing games for very long, so I don't know what to think.
The whole thing makes me uncomfortable. :/
Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.